

便携式钢印打码机 苹果打码机 连接器喷码机 晋

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产地 上海
打印方向 双向打印
类型 瓶,杯,带,袋,箱,碟,管,罐,盒,桶,碗,泡沫,软管,易拉罐,其他
气源压力 0.1~10(MPa)
售后服务 保修一年
位数 其他
重量 1~600(kg)
自动化程度 半自动
包装类型 瓶,杯,带,袋,箱,碟,管,罐,盒,桶,碗,泡沫,软管,易拉罐,其他
打印深度 1~9999(mm)
适用工件 平面
打印范围 1~100000(mm)
打印高度 1~9999(mm)
品牌 galileo/伽利略





 FragmentWelcome to consult...will your servant do. And for a long time Shimei went on living in Jerusalem.
1Ki 2:39 But after three years, two of the servants of Shimei went in flight to Achish, son of Maacah, king of Gath. And word was given to Shimei that his servants had gone to Gath.
1Ki 2:40 Then Shimei got up, and making ready his ass, he went to Gath, to Achish, in search of his servants; and he sent and got them from Gath.
1Ki 2:41 And news was given to Solomon that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath and had come back again.
1Ki 2:42 Then the king sent for Shimei, and said to him, Did I not make you take an oath by the Lord, protesting to you and saying, Be certain that on the day when you go out from here, wherever you go, death will overtake you? and you said to me, Very well!
1Ki 2:43 Why then have you not kept the oath of the Lord and the order which I gave you?
1Ki 2:44 And the king said to Shimei, You have knowledge of all the evil which you did to David my father; and now the Lord has sent back your evil on yourself.
1Ki 2:45 But a blessing will be on King Solomon, and the kingdom of David will keep its place before the Lord for ever.
1Ki 2:46 So the king gave orders to Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada; and he went out and, falling on him, put him to death. And Solomon's authority over the kingdom was complete.
1Ki 3:1 Solomon became the son-in-law of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and took Pharaoh's daughter as his wife, keeping her in the town of David, till the house he was building for himself, and the house of the Lord and the wall round Jerusalem, were complete.
1Ki 3:2 But all this time the people were making their offerings in the high places, because no house had been put up to the name of the Lord till those days.
1Ki 3:3 And Solomon, in his love for the Lord, kept the laws of David his father; but he made offerings and let them go up in smoke on the high places.
1Ki 3:4 And the king went to Gibeon to make an offering there, because that was the chief high place: it was Solomon's way to make a thousand burned offerings on that altar.
1Ki 3:5 In Gibeon, Solomon had a vision of the Lord in a dream by night; and God said to him, Say what I am to give you.
1Ki 3:6 And Solomon said, Great was your mercy to David my father, as his life before you was true and upright and his heart was true to you; and you have kept for him this greatest mercy, a son to take his place this day.
1Ki 3:7 And now, O Lord my God, you have made your servant king in the place of David my father; and I am only a young boy, with no knowledge of how to go out or come in.
1Ki 3:8 And your servant has round him the people of your selection, a people so great that they may not be numbered, and no account of them may be given.
1Ki 3:9 Give your servant, then, a wise heart for judging your people, able to see what is good and what evil; for who is able to be the judge of this great people?
1Ki 3:10 Now these words and Solomon's request were pleasing to the Lord.
1Ki 3:11 And God said to him, Because your request is for this thing, and not for long life for yourself or for wealth or for the destruction of your haters, but for wisdom to be a judge of causes;
1Ki 3:12 I have done as you said: I have given you a wise and far-seeing heart, so that there has never been your equal in the past, and never will there be any like you in the future.
1Ki 3:13 And with this I have given you what you made no request for: wealth and honour, so that no king was ever your equal.
1Ki 3:14 And if you go on in my ways, keeping my laws and my orders as your father David did, I will give you a long life.
1Ki 3:15 And Solomon, awakening, saw that it was a dream; then he came to Jerusalem, where he went before the ark of the agreement of the Lord, offering burned offerings and peace-offerings; and he made a feast for all his servants.
1Ki 3:16 Then two loose women of the town came and took their places before the king;
1Ki 3:17 And one of them said, O my lord, I and this woman are living in the same house; and I gave birth to a child by her side in the house.
1Ki 3:18 And three days after the birth of my c

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